Student examining historical stereographs through a stereoscopic viewer


The History Program trains students in analytical writing, helps them learn how to organize and utilize various kinds of evidence, and provides perspectives that enable a better understanding of human behavior and cultural difference.


The history program’s fundamental purpose is to encourage an understanding and, through research, an application of historical consciousness—that is, “the coherent organization of experience in historical time;” a just appreciation of the interrelationship of past, present, and future; and the knowledge that social change in this context is inevitable.

The History Program offers survey courses in world and American history, and a variety of specialized courses in American, European, and non-Western history. Except for seminars reserved for majors, all history courses are open to the student body at large. Even advanced courses host a large number of students who are there just because they like to learn about history. Bringing together students from a variety of academic majors, discussions in these classes offer a diversity of viewpoints.

Your Major Took You Where?

History majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • Frazier History Museum
  • Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
  • Miamisburg City Schools
  • Minoh City Board of Education
  • Xerox Corporation

Postgraduate Study

  • Emory University (M.Div.)
  • The Ohio State University (J.D., law)
  • University of Kentucky (M.F.T., counseling)
  • University of Memphis (M.A., modern European history)
  • Valparaiso Law School (J.D., law)


History majors lay the foundation for their work by taking world and American history survey courses as first-year students and sophomores. Later courses include African, American, Asian, European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern history. History faculty also offer several thematic courses that cross these regional boundaries. Upperclass students often complete an independent study under the guidance of a professor. All majors also take the research seminar, which allows them to write a major research paper on a topic of their choice while learning historiography (the principles of historical research) and professional historians’ tools of the trade.

Experiential Learning

Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

History majors can take their European history on site while participating in ƹƵ’s programs in Strasbourg, France, and London, England. Other study abroad options that often offer history courses include the College’s semester program in Merida, Mexico, and several shorter programs in countries ranging from Uganda to Guatemala.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Internship opportunities abound for history majors — from working in the Imperial War Museum in London, England, to serving as congressional aides in Washington D.C., to learning about historical preservation at the Perryville Battle Field Civil War historic site. 


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

History majors have gone on to careers in law, journalism, medicine, teaching, government and diplomatic service, education, library and museum work, theology, banking, business, and public relations.

History Faculty

Man with glasses and facial hair wearing dark jacket and purple button up dress shirt in front of dark background

Mauricio Castro

  • Assistant Professor of History
  • Chair of Latin American Studies
Man with dark hair and beard wearing blue patterned button up standing outside on campus

Jonathon L. Earle

  • Marlene and David Grissom Associate Professor of Social Studies
  • Co-Chair of Uganda Studies Group (African Studies Association)
  • Senior Editor of Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History
Lady with long dark hair wearing black cardigan and white top in front of dark background

Sara Egge

  • Claude D. Pottinger Associate Professor of History
Lady with long dark hair wearing glasses, earrings, and gold necklace, with black top in front of black background

Tara Strauch

  • Associate Professor of History
  • Chair of History Program
Man with dark hair wearing glasses, grey button up shirt, and red tie

Amos Tubb

  • Gordon B. Davidson Professor of History

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