ƹƵ Campus

Campus Master Plan

The Campus Master Plan addresses one of the College’s most valuable assets, its physical spaces.

The Campus Master Plan provides a flexible guide to future building and site improvement decisions. The Plan adapts to changes in a variety of factors while addressing implications of strategic, economic, and physical planning priorities, and preserving future options. The Campus Master Plan was developed around two basic assumptions: maintaining existing campus boundaries, and planning for a student body enrollment of 1,500.

The Campus Master Plan was developed to accomplish the following goals:

  1. Support and enhance the student educational experience, both inside and outside the classroom. This includes creating and maintaining classrooms that facilitate the exceptional teaching of our faculty, accommodating and encouraging a variety of pedagogical approaches.
  2. Create a healthy and supportive physical environment conducive to productive work by faculty and staff.
  3. Sustain and enhance the admirable qualities of the campus, and address critical existing maintenance needs.
  4. Reinforce a sense of place and pride in the campus.
  5. Strengthen the student community and vitality of the neighborhood.
  6. Set an example for environmental responsibility.
  7. Work with City of Danville representatives, committees, and agencies to strengthen campus ties within the community.


20 year master plan image


20 year master plan progress


The Campus Master Plan is the result of a highly-interactive process. From the outset, the College was committed to engaging as many campus and community participants as possible. The process began with an assessment of existing conditions, extensive walking tours of campus, analysis of institutional data/space use, and stakeholder surveys. Based on background analysis and on-site workshops with stakeholder groups, an aggregate list of master plan needs was compiled.

To synthesize the list of needs into a final master plan concept, the design team worked with Senior Staff and Steering Committees to rank the needs by order of necessity. Those needs deemed to be “foundational” at the highest level of importance address core needs brought about by enrollment growth or facility condition. The Foundational Needs: Northside Residential Complex, Academic Facilities, Critical Maintenance Issues, and Campus Center Expansion are proposed to occur in the initial phase of master plan implementation. The balance of needs are divided into three implementation phases that address academics, student life, athletics, inclusiveness, image, wayfinding, sustainability, and deferred maintenance.